
Wounded No More

In the New Year , many of us focus on attaining the goals which are so important to us. However, many times blocks to attaining our goals come from deeply held fears. So I wanted to speak a bit about negative thinking and how to overcome it . Also, how the negative thinking comes from those fears.

It is natural for our minds to search the negatives and likely dates back to the days when we had to be on high alert for wild animals and anticipate danger or threats —because our survival depended on it!

Today, we do not have to worry about survival from the wilds , but we often find ourselves stressed , fearful or overly anxious about life. And, if you have struggled from depression, stress, or anxiety , you understand how difficult it is to flip those negative thoughts into more positive ones.

Through my experience , I have seen that these negative, fearful, self critical thought patterns began in childhood.

Very sadly, parents may have been very critical , even abusive. One of the best ways to clear out these patterns is through the use of hypnosis . Unconscious memories and beliefs are difficult to influence with the logic of the conscious mind. However, in trance state , you can communicate directly and effectively with your unconscious mind and begin to challenge some of those deeply held negative beliefs.

In between hypnosis sessions I suggest to my clients to use the following technique to help turn around those negative, self critical thoughts. So , when any repeating, intrusive negative thoughts come up, Please think to yourself silently or say aloud in a gentle loving tone of voice: ” Thank you , good bye”. The ‘thank you” is not acknowledging the message is true, it is only thanking that part of the mind for thinking its helping /protecting you in some way by continually putting out that negative thought or thoughts. The “Good bye” is telling that part of the mind you received that negative message and it can go now. So you begin to take back your power , your control over negative thinking. Please think ‘thank you, good bye” until that thought fades away. True, that same or another negative thought may pop up again but just continue to use the ‘antidote’ , keeping thinking ‘thank you , good bye’, until that negative thought fades aways.

As you continually use this technique, those negative thoughts will come less frequently and less loudly , leaving so much more room available for all the wonderful things that are really true about you and for you.

Sadly, many people are unaware of how the wounded child, or any part that is wounded or in pain ,is impacting their lives presently. Through the use of hypnosis, the unexpressed energy of the child or any wounded part can be expressed and healed by working through the emotions that were not allowed to be expressed as a child or at a later stage of life.

Beginning, January 30th , I will be teaching an online Zoom class entitled, “Wounded No More.” The classes will be held on 6 consecutive Thursday evenings , beginning Thursday January 30th. Because it is interactive, the class is limited to 6 participants. Please click here for further information :

Please also free to visit my site: download a free hypnosis recording: ‘Living with inner peace.”

Please contact me with any questions about the upcoming live Zoom class or any other questions or concerns you may have. I would love to hear from you !!! I appreciate so very much sharing this information with anyone you feel may be interested .

Blessings for a very Happy, Healthy and Abundant New Year ! Mary

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Women's Therapeutic