Are you finding yourself caught up in fear? Does fear hold you back from attaining your goals and opportunities ?

When you access the power of your subconscious mind you are a powerful creator. We are creating all the time. When we are caught up in fear and the subsequent worries , we are using our imagination to create things we do not want.
When we forget who we are, we. begin to look outside ourselves for answers to dealing with life. However, when we go within during hypnosis, we can move away from fear and experience the freedom to create a life we will love.
During this Zoom meeting, we will experience two healing hypnosis processes to access old unhealthy patterns , create change and connect to the support that is always with us and within us .
Please join me on Zoom , Friday 6/30/23 from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm and experience these two powerful healing hypnosis meditations . Please visit my website to register: To register, please go to the ‘online classes’ tab and then to the ‘ Live zoom classes:
Please contact me anytime at : Mary with any questions or concerns. I would love to hear from you!
Thank you so much for sharing this information with others who may be interested. Also, thank you for taking the time to read this newsletter. I hope so much to see you on June 30th and begin this process of healthy, positive change in your life!
Namaste ,Mary