Using Hypnosis to Support Physical and Emotional Healing

Discover ways to connect with your innate healing power.  Using principles of hypnosis, you can bring about a transformation of attitudes, life changes and healing.  This online course includes a one hour audio lecture, five handouts including how to do self hypnosis and experience two guided healing hypnosis sessions which will integrate your learning and bring forth this process of healthy change in your life.




Discover ways to connect with your innate healing power.  Using principles of hypnosis, you can bring about a transformation of attitudes, life changes and healing.  This online course includes a one hour audio lecture, five handouts including how to do self hypnosis and experience two guided healing hypnosis sessions which will integrate your learning and bring forth this process of healthy change in your life:


  1.  We Heal on All Three Levels of the Mind.
  2. The Journey Within: Destressing your True Self.
  3. The Journey Within: Creating a Calmer Mind.
  4. Techniques to Overcome Negative/Anxious Thinking
  5. Self Hypnosis Process for Healing.


  1. Janet H.

    The materials in this course have given me the confidence I needed to change previous attitudes about my physical issues. Learning about hypnosis and the power of my mind, gives me a sense of hope. Through the use of the methods I Learned, I am calming my body when symptoms arise and feeling a change in my energy level. I am able to do some activities I have not been able to do for quite a whiole. Thank you so much.

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Women's Therapeutic